Superstar Luna Red wins Poinsettia Comparison Award
During the presentation of Glastuinbouw Nederland assortment comparison award on January 19, 2023, the newest Superstar Poinsettia “Luna Red” from Beekenkamp Plants was awarded to Poinsettia novelty of 2022/2023. 18 different Poinsettia varieties from various Poinsettia breeders have been assessed for growth, flowering and shelf life. The novelty Luna Red (PON 137) came out best in the test.
After an intensive assessment of the quality of the plants, a shelf life test was carried out. After two days of transport, seven days in the store and then another five weeks at the consumer’s home, Luna Red still shines like a real Superstar from Beekenkamp Plants does.
According to Ard van der Lugt, Product Specialist Poinsettia at Beekenkamp Plants, it is no coincidence that Luna Red won the prize. “It really stands out because of its bright red color, even among all the red varieties already on the market. In addition to the excellent shelf life, the plant branches very well, grows evenly and has the perfect V-shape.”
Luna Red is suitable for pot size 10.5 – 17 cm and the cuttings are Fair Trade certified. Thanks to this quality mark, the Poinsettia Superstars can be sold FairTrade throughout the entire chain. Interested in Poinsettia Superstars? Visit Beekenkamp Plants at IPM ESSEN in hall 2, stand 2C15.