Evi loves you! Everywhere she goes
This is Evi. We’ve created her specially for you. Wherever you put her: in your garden, on your balcony or in your house, she shines, grows and flowers just for you. She has a strong constitution and a cheerful nature.
She is at her most attractive when rooted in moist soil and will reward you with her intense pink flowers over a long period. From a pure love of life. And for you.
Evi's unique character
What does Evi expect from you?
Does Evi like a sunny spot in the garden or does she prefer shade?
During the summer she prefers to be in partial shade, but she doesn’t mind sunning herself occasionally. Grow her outside in an attractive pot or a hanging basket. Evi flowers continuously until the end of September.
Where should I put Evi indoors?
This Begonia likes a bright spot. The optimum temperature is between 16 and 22°C.
How often should I water Evi indoors?
Water her regularly so that the soil stays moist. Don’t let her dry out and don’t leave water standing in the pot.
Does Evi need extra house plant fertiliser?
For optimum flowering, add house plant fertiliser to the water regularly.
How much water does Evi need when she's outside?
The soil in the pot should be on the moist side, but make sure that there is no standing water in the pot. Spraying is also recommended, but don’t spray the flowers. Add some general plant fertiliser regularly. You can also plant Evi in the garden in a spot that is not too wet or too dry.
When can I buy Evi?
Evi is available from April to September.
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Would you like to know more about Evi?
Contact Sirekit Mol