New sorting machine for the fruit crops of Beekenkamp Plants
We are in the middle of the fruit crop season and Beekenkamp Plants made a valuable investment in this area. A new sorting machine, the TTA FlexSorter, has been installed at the location in ‘s-Gravenzande.
The FlexSorter is one of the newest of its kind and has many advantages regarding the quality of the young vegetable plants. With this machine, the plants are removed from the tray in one movement, assessed and sorted back in the tray. In contrast to other systems where the plants are picked up twice, the new sorting machine at Beekenkamp Plants only does this once. This action prevents plant damage and greatly improves the quality of the plant.
Another important advantage is that the new sorting machine is equipped with an integrated disinfection system for the plant grabs. In this way cleaner work is done and there is less chance of outbreak of diseases and pests in de the early stages. In addition, the plants are spread during intake for the assessment. This allows plants to be processed when they are in a larger stage. This means that the ‘timeframe’ of sorting is longer.
The FlexSorter is the new generation among the selection machines. With this investment, Beekenkamp Plants continues to innovate and invest in high-quality plants.