Petunia Tea
What is your colour of taste?
Whatever your flavour is, you can effortlessly create a beautiful garden with the Petunia Tea series! The variety of flavours is endless! You can mix the colours easily together or use it as an ingredient of a combi container! Plant the Tea Petunia as part of a landscape, in a high raised pot or hang it on your balcony, fence or pergola. You will be surprised by the waterfall of flowers! In comparison our Tea series flowers earlier as it is day length neutral. They are trailing but controlled with a mounded habit. Tea Petunia flowers till September, or in some cases, even later, which is very unique for a Petunia. Beekenkamp is always working on new varieties.

Hoe verzorgt u de Petunia Tea?
Does the Petunia Tea like sun or shade?
The Petunia Tea loves sun. So place these colourful beauties in the sun or if possible in a place with a bit of shade. The Petunia Tea does not like wind, so please do find a sheltered place for them.
How much water does the Petunia Tea need?
The Petunia Tea loves water. Especially if these have just been planted, the soil should always be moist. The petunias also love water afterwards. Always try to water the roots, not from above.
What types and colours of Petunia Tea are there?
Petunia Tea comes in all flavors! From single colours to multiple colours. From stripes to dots. You can mix endlessly with the Petunia. At Beekenkamp Plants, a lot of attention is paid to the breeding of improved and new varieties. The range expands every year!

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