Flower Trials 2017 | 13 – 16 June
Ready for a colourful Dahlia overdose? We are! This year we present our Dahlia LaBella® series! An extensive line for all pot sizes (Piccolo, Medio, Grande, Maggiore) and in countless colours and to top it all off: FUN colours (bicolours).
Begonia are absolutely trendy! End consumers love the cheerful colors and the natural look. Beekenkamp’s focus is on the producer as well as the trade and the final consumer – Each tailored to their needs, the whole supplychain.
Making the consumers DREAMS reality…
Osteospermum Sunny®
Hello sunshine!
Added to our range is the cheerful SUNNY®! Osteospermum SUNNY® has developed into one of the most popular plants in Europe and the US.
FlowerTrials locatie:
Beekenkamp Breeding
Korte Kruisweg 163, 2676 BS Maasdijk
Tel. 0174-526100