Beekenkamp Plants introduces sustainable 60-hole BKX-tray
Sustainability is important to Beekenkamp Plants. This week, the first 60-hole BKX trays for cutting raised products leave the company. This way, the company responds to the growing need of customers to transform to a more sustainable cultivation process. Beekenkamp Plants switches from a single-use plastic tray to the reusable BKX tray: an innovative, reusable tray that was developed in cooperation with Beekenkamp Verpakkingen.
In 2019, Beekenkamp Plants launched the BKX tray for seed raised products. After the positive trials with this tray and the company’s desire to keep innovating in the field of sustainability, thorough research was done into additional BKX-trays to also deliver cutting raised products in. The 60-hole BKX-tray is now the first to be commercialised.
The idea behind the cutting raised BKX-tray is the same as for the BKX-tray for seed products: the trays can be reused and therefore make a positive contribution to a better environment. Each tray has a unique RFID-tag, so Beekenkamp Plants can trace exactly what tray was sent to which customer. This way, the company can monitor the return of all trays, ensuring a more sustainable growing process for both the grower and the entire chain. From this week onwards, the 60-hole BKX-tray will be used for the outdoor Begonias, Helianthus and Pericallis.
The main advantages of the BKX plug tray are:
- Extremely suitable for automatic potting
- Longer life span
- Perfect pull-out capability
- Reduce environmental impact
- Proven advantage of BKX-tray
Beekenkamp Plants will continue on the path of sustainability. After the 60-hole BKX tray, the 84-hole as well as the 128-hole BKX-tray will also be added to the range. These trays are being developed for cutting raised products and various seed products including Cyclamen. Tests with these new trays will be carried out in early 2022.
For questions, please contact the marketing department at marketing@beekenkamp.nl.